so David Hicks pleads guilty after five years chained up in solitary.....
after the judge fire's two of his lawyers, i can't really believe what i am seeing on TV and reading online about this... it's the kinda rubbish i used to hear about from other countries and think, we are better than them...
but i think we have have lost the moral authority on this..
and if little johnny howard reckons he's got away with this, he's got news coming..
letting an Australian get into a situtation where his only chance of getting out of jail is to cop a charge, even if he was innocent, against a dodgy illegal charge, simply because it was the only sane option to take.... anything else would of dragged out for years. what whould you do if you were managled up everyday?
kinda explains our immigration policy...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
David Hicks - it's not over yet

Dual Core Hotfix for XP - KB896256
Apparently there's a hotfix KB896256 for xp which enables better dual core performance for those who need it.. but some OEM manufacturers don't pre-install it! doh ..
first saw this on which is a great tech geek news site. Looks like my Toshiba p100 doesn't have it based on a thread on notebookreview, guess i'll find out when it comes back from being serviced, it developed a bad block on friday, so it's being serviced....
so i'm back on a old ibook running OSX, how does it feel being back on OSX?
I have been using old mac's from hopme for a year... they are nice, but being a long time windows user.... i prefer it, especially when i'm developing...
which is why this patch interests me, i do a lot of Oracle and CFMX work, plus Mapguide, Postgres and a bit of Java, PHP etc... so my machine get's hammered now and then
Monday, March 19, 2007
John Howard's fake plane drama

Crikey as the scoop today on how the supposed plane drama john howard had in Iraq was a load of spin... i guess no-one's that suprised...
Howards C 130 dash all the angles
but obviously Kevin Rudd has got him completely spooked :)
what he has realised yet, is that it's true he's a clever politician as everyone says.... except it's more than people expected him always to be able to spin things and get away with it
so people always expect him to get away with everything.... it wasn't the detail, it was the mastery of how he did it that used to work....
but know people don't expect him to get away with it, the small little man is being exposed...
bring on the election, i want to be proud of Australia, not embrassed mr howard
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Congradulations Mischa Long
My house mate Mischa Long made the Deans List for 2006 at ACU
well done mish!