I was doing some beta testing today with Mapguide RC4 and Gdal, playing with the True Marble imagery and i managed to crash the windows service in the stopping state.
BTW, True Marble is a colour corrected version of NASA's satellite imagery, have a look it's quite cool.
Anyway back to the hung stopping service. This is really soo frustrating especially as on Windows Server 2003 you will get an access denied if you try to kill the service process via task manager or pskill type tools.
You can always do the three finger windows salute, but there was an Oracle backup running and I just wanted to keep playing beta (besides rebooting is so 1990's). So i googled the problem again and this time i found a solution
ZeroWave: a powered TaskManager which has an INSANE mode which managed to kill the process off :)
The phrase "very friendly graphical interface" for something which lists PID's and Executable names, that's one i hadn't thought of before.
Usual disclaimer, you can seriously render things broken doing this
Thursday, February 28, 2008
How to kill a well hung Windows Service
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Mapguide 2.0 - AGG versus GD Renderers
Using the AGG Renderer ( New default in MG 2.0 )
Using the GD Renderer
Here is the same layer using the different renderering engines in Mapguide 2.0. The main difference between the two is that AGG does sub-pixel rendering which give smoother lines, whereas GD is pixel level.
The AGG lines feel a bit too thick to me, they are line thickness one for a polygon boundary. Even for a straight line in the middle of the map, it's just to thick (That's SA/NT border in Australian for those aren't so familiar with Australia.) The src data is 29 MB so there is a fair amount of generalization being done but hey that might be the reason for the thicker lines.
GD is the same as earlier Mapguide Releases and is still available via changing the Renderer value in the server/bin/serverconfig.ini file.
I like the darker smoother stronger feel of the AGG lines, but i think they would be better if they were maybe 1/2 to 1/3 thinner. What do you think?
These are rendered from SDF's exported from Oracle using FDO2FDO which is now work again in Mapguide 2.0 RC4. Generally everything is working well since installing it an few hours ago, next up i will upgrade my java libs with Coldfusion 8 and do some more testing API wise.
Friday, February 15, 2008
PicLens, coolest firefox extension ever!
Just read about this over on http://planet.mozilla.org/.
Allan Beaufour has just blogged about PicLens which is an amazing 3D picture viewer.
Once you install it, every image (on sites like picasa, facebook, myadspace) gets a little play button when you hover over the image with the mouse, click it and you jump into this amazing 3D film strip which you can use to explore through the images...
Install it, (you have to allow the site to install) and the jump over to my photo's on picasaweb, go into an album and press the play button to explore
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Anchors can make great web bookmarks

One of the more useful sites for TV listings in Australia is yourtv.com.au. I have a bookmark for their page with the what's on now and next view view.
if you compare the results, you can see why anchors (the '#pageTitle' below in the second URL) for a more friendly bookmark
If you compare http://yourtv.com.au/guide/index.cfm?action=nownext
http://yourtv.com.au/guide/index.cfm?action=nownext#pageTitle, you'll see the TV guide opening up at the start of TV guide, instantly readable without scrolling down thru half a page of ads and headers.
One a related note, the introduction of HD in Australia is, well, stupid. There is no good reason 10HD isn't broadcast in digitial via SD.
Complicate that with tv listings that don't display 10 and 10HD next to each other so you can see when there is different HD programming (there's a lot of overlap, etc).
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Japanese Scientific Whaling Explained

At least there's one thing i can agree these days with Peter Garrett about! Sadly as a species we tend eventually to get things right, sometimes it's too late.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
St Kilda Festival this weekend!
It's on again, not that the St Kilda Fest website is really so useful. Not to get back on my soap box, but it took me ages to work out that next Sunday 10th of February is the main day where St Kilda becomes one big crazy street festival?
The bottom of the page is not exactly user friendly, as it ignores a lot of what we have learnt about web page layout in the last decade or so! Where is the nice single page program for music in a printable PDF? The site looks ok, but really is rather 1990's when it comes to usability.
One thing you won't find there is anything bout dance music as far as i could tell.. I do miss the old Earthcore stage down at Katani Gardens on the Foreshore.. Then again i did miss seeing the HOODOO GURUS at Meredith
But never fear if you like Electronic Music, there is hope as found in my Inbox this morning!
SO! There is Dance Muzik @ St.K fest, this sun 10 feb!
St. Kilda Festival Dance Party
The Big Red Bus and Funktion One presents....
Join us on Sun 10 Feb; 11-11pm, in the lush garden of FUBAR;
16 Belford st, St.Kilda (btwn Acland & Barkly sts)
where a Funktion One sound system will be made the most of,
by some of Melbourne's finest underground dance DJs.
View Larger Map
From world tribal beats to progressive trance and psychedelic sounds,
we promise you that this will be the best place to be at St.Kilda Fest this year.
Great food and a great bar selection plus comfy couches in the sunny garden
- what more could you want!
11am andycan
12.2 Mixta X
13.4 U_One
15 Chunky
16.2 bEan
17.4 Tony Loucas
19 Cacophony
20.2 Menno
21.4 Orpheus
thanks Brad for the email, I'll be there!
BTW: There's a St Kilda Fest Facebook page as well